December 13, 2017
All of us here at Foundation Housing would like to wish you and your loved ones our warmest wishes this Christmas and we hope that the New Year sees your home filled laughter, love and good health.
We know that this time of year can be challenging for those of us experiencing financial hardship, health problems or difficult personal relationships. While we see lots of images in the media of big happy families enjoying huge feasts and opening mountains of presents, that isn’t how Christmas looks for most of us. A simple celebration with friends or close family is just as enjoyable and far less stressful.
We are fortunate in WA that there are a large number of services available to help people who may find this time of year tough. We’ve included the details of some of these services below and we encourage you to access them if you need them.
Our staff frequently tell me how much they enjoy working with our tenants and residents and seeing them thrive in their Foundation Housing homes. As 2017 draws to a close I would like to thank all of our tenants for paying rent on time, looking after your home and being part of your community. This helps us to increase the number of people we can assist and we really do appreciate it. We look forward to working with you again in 2018.
Kind regards
Kathleen Gregory AM
Chief Executive Officer