A Decade in a Foundation Housing Home

An amazing 211 tenants are celebrating ten years with Foundation Housing this year, and we are commemorating the milestone with them.

June 11, 2021

An amazing 211 tenants are celebrating ten years with Foundation Housing this year, and we are commemorating the milestone with them.

It was ten years ago that Federal and State Government strategies converged to stimulate the community housing sector by transferring hundreds of properties to Community Housing Organisations in WA. Foundation Housing was fortunate to secure 328 houses through the Department of Housing’s competitive RFP process.

Thus 2011 was a turning point for our organisation, and the community housing sector as a whole. Many of those 328 houses from the Department of Housing were already tenanted and the rest we quickly filled. We also committed to building a further 112 social housing properties as leverage from these transfers, which are also now completed and have been occupied for many years.

Of those families that started with us in 2011, an incredible 211 are celebrating ten year anniversaries in their homes which. shows the stability of our tenant base.

“It’s great to know that so many people have enjoyed affordable, quality housing that provides a sense of security for them and their families over such a long period”, said Chris Smith, CEO of Foundation Housing.

In May we celebrated with 12 Dawesville tenants, who reminisced about the decade as neighbours.

“I love it here, there is a great sense of community”, said Jeanette at the event.

“I don’t know where I would be living if it wasn’t for Foundation Housing”, her neighbor Sally added.

Don’t worry, we’re not going anywhere. Here’s to another ten together!