Bed Bugs

Bed Bugs are a serious pest, they feed on human blood and can be very difficult to eradicate.

Bites from Bed Bugs will cause considerable discomfort to people who sleep in infested rooms. People are regularly observed with hundreds of bites all over their body from a single night in an infested room.

What do bed bugs look like?

An adult Bed Bug is approximately 4-6mm in length, relatively flat, oval shaped and depending when their last blood meal was will vary in colour from a transparent brown to a dark red. Nymph or immature Bed Bugs can be very small if they have only just hatched.

How do you get bed bugs?

Most commonly, bed bugs will hitch a ride home in your clothes or luggage while travelling. Importantly it should be remembered that it is very easy to get bed bugs, after all they are one of the world’s great hitchhikers.

Whilst possible for bed bugs to be brought into your home by a number of methods most instances of bed bugs can be traced back to travelling somewhere or a visitor staying at your home.

Without careful attention bed bugs are spread easily and infestations can become unmanageable very quickly. Most people do not realise they have an infestation for 2 to 3 months.

2-minute bed beg check

  1. Check all the seams of the mattress on all four corners. For ensemble beds, check along the seam between the mattress and base for bed bugs. For Slatted beds, check under the slats where they meet the side of the bed frame.
  2. Check behind corner plastic protectors, they like to congregate inside these corner protectors.
  3. Check where bed wheels attach to the bed and where the dust cover is fastened to the ensemble base on each corner. Bed bugs are known to congregate inside the wheel where it meets the base.
  4. If the bed has been slept in since the sheets were last changed then an inspection of the sheets for blood spotting is highly recommended. While blood spots can be caused many ways, they are another infestation indicator.
  5. Other places to inspect includes behind picture frames, curtains and window furnishings, bedside tables, skirtings and generally anything in the direct vicinity of the bed.

Frequently asked questions

Are bed bugs attracted to poor hygiene? 

No, this is a common myth. Bed bugs do not feed on food scraps, their only food source is blood. Poor hygiene and clutter can make treatment more difficult though.

Do Bed bugs transmit diseases such as Hepatitis and HIV from person to person?

It has never been proven that they transmit (either biologically or mechanically) any diseases. Despite the fact that it has never been proven some experts believe under specific circumstances it may still be possible.

How quickly do Bed bugs breed?

They are very fast breeders. As few as 10 Bed bugs can breed into a population of thousands in as little as 8 to 12 weeks.

How do I eradicate Bed bugs from my home or accommodation?

Bed bugs are best dealt with by a pest controller. Many Bed bugs are resistant to certain chemicals and require specialist treatment.
