Celebrating NAIDOC Week with tenants

July 23, 2018

NAIDOC week is held from the 8-15th July and is a time to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The theme this year was “Because of her, we can!” which celebrates the essential role that Aboriginal women have played – and continue to play – as active and significant role models in the community.

Given this year’s theme, we felt it would be a great opportunity to recognise some of the tenants who play a vital role in caring for their families, and act as role models for younger generations. We asked some of our housing coordinators to nominate tenants they wanted to thank on behalf of Foundation Housing and then we presented them with an indoor plant as a keepsake for their homes. Delphine is one of these tenants and was chuffed to receive a burgundy rubber ficus from her support coordinator Trish.