July 20, 2017
From Tuesday 1 August 2017 Foundation Housing will no longer provide an after-hours emergency property maintenance service.
You can still report and request repairs during office hours on our 1300 895 205 number. When you call during office hours our friendly staff will be available to discuss your maintenance issue with you and take appropriate action.
If you experience a life threatening emergency at your home, you should contact the appropriate emergency service (Police, Fire, Ambulance, ATCO Gas), no matter what the time of day.
Foundation Housing has decided to discontinue the 24hour emergency maintenance service because of the very small number of emergencies reported. The service was costly to provide and we would like to direct these funds to our scheduled maintenance plan we have in place for our tenant’s homes instead. This includes undertaking major works like replacing kitchens and bathrooms in older properties.
If you decide to call a tradesperson after-hours yourself to deal with an issue, you can submit the receipt to Foundation Housing for reimbursement, via your Housing Coordinator. However please note that we will only reimburse tenants where there has been a failure of an essential function at the property that required immediate attention. This policy reflects to our obligations to you as your landlord under the Residential Tenancies Act 1987.
Please discuss any concerns you have about this change with your Housing Coordinator.
For life threatening emergencies please call 000
Gas leaks ATCO Gas Australia 13 13 52
Electrical faults and emergencies 13 13 51