Change to notice period for rent increases

March 21, 2018

We are changing the amount of notice we provide for rent increases so this means your next rent increase will start at least 28 days after we review your rent. The previous period was 60 days.

Your rent will still decrease from your next rent charge if your income has decreased.

What is changing?

Your next rent increase will start at least four weeks after we review your rent. We will change your Centrepay deductions for you automatically if you have given us permission, so that your payments will match your new rent when it starts. Otherwise you will need to use this time to change your rent payments yourself.

Why is it changing?

Being in community housing and having rent based on your income means your rent should go up when your income goes up and go down when your income goes down.

When you tell us about a decrease to your income we drop the rent from your very next rent charge. At the moment we tell you at least 60 days before your rent increases, even if it is because your circumstances have changed and your household income is much higher than it was before. This means we do not start receiving the higher rent for at least two months after the review.

Rent is our main source of income and we rely on rental income to keep providing services to our tenants. Changing the notice period for rent increases will mean we can make sure we are financially sustainable and can keep providing housing to our existing tenants, as well as having the opportunity to build more homes for people in housing need.

What if I have questions?

Please contact your Housing Coordinator if you have any questions about the change.

If you would like information on your rights as a tenant you can contact Tenancy WA, who have a telephone advice line 9221 0088 and you can find contact details for your nearest tenant advocate on their website