Foundation Housing at Expresstival

November 10, 2016

Foundation Housing was proud to once again sponsor, Expressitval, which took place in October to mark Anti Poverty Week.  Our staff and tenants took part the day long event which gives people, especially those living in financial hardship, a chance to be seen, heard and connect with each other, through art and music.

Five Foundation Housing tenants, who are experienced artists, each created a piece art during the festival, and tenant Terry Maller spoke to the crowd about how community housing helps people on low incomes. Meanwhile staff ran a ‘selfie booth’ which gave people the chance to take a fun photo showing what home means to them.

Thanks to all our tenants who came along on the day to say hi and join in the fun.

Artists at work

Artists at work

The Foundation Housing Selfie Booth

The Foundation Housing Selfie Booth

Visitors to the Selfie Booth

Visitors to the Selfie Booth