August 10, 2016
Our head offfice has relocated to Leederville after 10 years in Northbridge. Our new office at 297 Vincent Street is within easy walking distance of the Leederville Train Station and there is free one hour parking close by the building. Tenants and Residents who visit us will be greeted by our friendly staff at the new, much roomier reception! We can also now offer you more privacy to chat with our staff in the meeting rooms on the ground floor.
Contact details for the new office are:
Street address: 297 Vincent Street, Leederville, WA 6007
Postal address: PO Box 214, Leederville, 6902
Phone: (08) 9422 0700
The move does not affect tenants looked after by Foundation Housing offices at other locations. There are no changes to the services offered by Foundation Housing’s main office.
Please note the former main office on Brisbane Street is now closed.