If you need urgent help or are in trouble, please find the best number to call from the following list of emergency contacts. If you are a Foundation Housing tenant and require an urgent repair, please visit our repair page.
Call 13 14 50 for the Translating and Interpreting Service (if you have trouble speaking English, ask them to contact any of the numbers below to interpret for you).
If you are experiencing homelessness and need emergency accommodation, please contact Crisis Care on 1800 199 008 or Entry Point on 1800 124 684.
Life threatening emergency
Poisons Information Centre (24/7)
General help in a flood or storm
Circle Green Community Legal provide a telephone advice service to renters across WA. For more information, please:
Lifeline (24/7)
Kids Helpline (24/7)
National Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence and Family Counselling Line
Domestic Violence Crisis Line (24/7)
Child Helpline