Housing – your way

Would you like to be involved in shaping Foundation Housing’s policies and programs?

July 16, 2021

CORT logoThe Committee of Residents and Tenants (CORT) is a new resident and tenant-led forum to help improve the way Foundation Housing services are delivered. As a member of CORT you would:

  • Provide feedback on policies and procedures that impact you
  • Raise issues about policy or service
  • Help Foundation Housing improve its communications with you

Mike from Dawesville has been working with Foundation Housing to develop the CORT model.

“This involvement has given me a sense of belonging and commitment. Foundation Housing have listened, and I feel heard”, he said.

All roles are currently available, including Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson, representative roles and general committee members.

Any Foundation Housing resident, tenant or carer of a tenant can apply to join the CORT. People in regional areas are encouraged to be involved and can join meetings online. If you are eligible and have good ideas, a willingness to listen and learn, and a commitment to formal meetings, please consider joining the group.

Click here to nominate yourself to join CORT. Nominations close 30 August, ahead of the AGM in September.

CORT focus group

The focus group that has been working with Foundation Housing to develop the CORT model
