July 17, 2018
Joondalup Mayor Albert Jacob and Councillor John Logan were just some of the attendees at a morning tea this week held in our Joondalup office, celebrating its relocation to the Sanori house complex.
Located across the road from our old office on Grand Boulevard, Sanori House includes a diverse range of high quality tenants including Headspace and Anglicare WA.
The morning tea was an opportunity for local community representatives and tenants from the Joondalup area to meet with our staff so they could form relationships be made aware of our efforts in providing affordable housing to people in need in the area.
Gaebrielle Catalfamo from Gaebs Cakes created some delicious cupcakes featuring the Foundation Housing logo for the event that the attendees thoroughly enjoyed along with a nice warm cup of coffee and tea.
Our Joondalup team coordinate properties based in Banksia Grove, Butler, Carramar, Clarkson, Craigie, Heathridge, Madeley and Ridgewood.