New Research Highlights Missing Link in the Housing and Homelessness Puzzle

May 8, 2024

The Centre for Social Impact at the University of Western Australia (UWA) launched a new report that highlights how lodging accommodation managed by Foundation Housing provides a cost-effective and successful model that can be further expanded to address the housing crisis.

The report titled ‘Reimagining the Role of Lodging in Ending Homelessness: An Evaluation of Foundation Housing’s Lodging and Support Services’ was launched yesterday at Foundation Housing’s Bennett Street Lodge in East Perth by the Hon Patrick Gorman MP.

The evaluation of Foundation Housing Lodging – which has 15 lodging houses in Western Australiafinds this model offers affordable long-term stability while addressing the holistic needs of residents through engagement and support services, promoting health, wellbeing, and social connection. The contemporary Community Housing-based lodging house provide enhanced amenities, long-term accommodation, thriving communities and connections to services. This stands in contrast to the often unsafe, short-stay and limited amenities accommodation of traditional private lodging houses. 

With growing numbers of Australians seeking access to homelessness services, living precariously in unsafe housing, or sleeping rough, the analysis shows that the FHL model is a cost-effective solution to homelessness with a daily cost of only $11.63 per person, compared with $56.17 cost per support day for WA Specialist Homelessness Support Services in the recently released Report on Government Services (ROGS) 2024 data and far below long-term supported housing for those experiencing homelessness with high needs.

Tackling the housing crisis requires a multi-pronged approach, and we cannot neglect those who need a safe roof over their heads now while we build homes to meet long-term demand,” said Professor Paul Flatau, Director of the Centre for Social Impact UWA. 

This report highlights the opportunity for policymakers to help divert people from homelessness and reduce the pressure on public housing by investing in modern lodging services along the lines of the FHL model.  

Foundation Housing CEO Chris Smith said that lodging often represented the first critical step on a path out of homelessness, helping to unlock opportunities for employment as well as better health and well-being.

“Our affordable, safe, and secure accommodation addresses the essential needs of people struggling to secure suitable housing, fulfilling a critical role in the wider housing ecosystem.”

“Research conducted for this report shows that majority of unemployed residents felt increased confidence to start looking for employment and/or education and training due to having secure accommodation. At Foundation Housing, we see first-hand the impact that affordable and safe accommodation has on people’s health, wellbeing, independence and overall life outcomes.”

Foundation Housing has always known the important role that Lodging plays in the housing system. It provides a safe, secure and affordable place for people to live, for as long as they like. The report’s launch reinforces the critical role of lodging in Western Australia’s housing landscape, the positive outcomes it achieves, its alignment with the Housing First Principles and its cost effectiveness.

The Hon Patrick Gorman MP shared his insights into what the Federal Government is doing to address the housing crisis.

“The pressures at this end of the housing system have never been greater. It is distressing to think about, but we are not just thinking about it. And we are not just wringing our hands. The Albanese Government has an ambitious housing agenda. Boosting housing supply is a government priority,” he said.

“This report on lodging is a significant intervention, based on data, on experience, and on meaningful links with other organisations. Once seen as insecure and even sordid, what this report finds is that lodging houses have been reinvented. As safe, stable, affordable and desirable – they represent a small but growing share of the housing mix. They are a contemporary, cost-effective and resident-centred solution that offers people help on the path to a home, and help holding onto one.  Because what you so fundamentally recognise is that giving someone a place to live is vital – but it is only the beginning.”

Long-term resident of Foundation Housing, Robert, also said a few words at the launch. He shared his story and his beautiful reflections on his experience of Lodging, beyond it being simply just a home. He talked of the importance of human connection, community and a lending hand.


You can download the full report below. 

You can read the Hon Patrick Gorman MP’s speech here.

You can view and read the ABC Story here.