Our new tenant focused website is here!

Foundation Housing is excited to announce the launch of our new and improved website.

March 15, 2023

We have been hard at work over the past few months to create a new online experience that better reflects who we are as an organisation and provides our tenants, staff, stakeholders and the wider community with a more accessible and user-friendly experience. 

Website Features 

The new website features improved navigation, making it easier to find the information you need. Here are some important features to keep an eye out for: 

  • On the top right hand of the website, you can access the “Accessibility” tool to: 
    • Make the site dyslexia friendly 
    • Translate the website into your preferred language 
    • Increase text size and spacing, page contrast, and more 
  • The “Tenants and Residents Hub” is a central hub for tenants and residents where they can access resources, policies and forms, provide feedback, report maintenance, read tenant newsletters and more.  
  • The “Looking for Housing” drop-down menu contains information about our accommodation services, eligibility requirements and how to apply.  
  • Visit the “Get Involved” page to learn about our Scholarship Program, contribute to our tenant newsletter, register for social activities or tell us about yourself.  
  • Stay updated with how tenants’ voices are being heard on our “Committee of Residents and Tenants” page.  
  • Click the “Subscribe” button at the bottom of the website to receive news and updates from us straight to your inbox.  

We hope you find our website enjoyable and easy to use and we welcome ongoing feedback as we continue to make improvements. Please submit your feedback by email to communications@foundationhousing.org.au or by contacting our friendly reception team on (08) 9422 0700.