Fee for Service

As the State’s largest non-government tenancy and property manager, Foundation Housing is well placed to offer these services to other clients.

Services currently undertaken for others on a consultancy or fee-for-service basis include:

  • Tenancy and property management
  • Project management
  • Consultancy and capacity building

For information about any of these services, please contact us here.

Tenancy & Property Management

Foundation Housing manages housing for other not-for-profit organisations who own homes but do not have the capacity to undertake their own tenancy management. This is generally for staff housing in regional areas or beneficiary housing for Aboriginal Corporations.

We can undertake all aspects of tenancy and property management tasks for not-for-profit partners and currently manage homes on similar arrangements in Port Hedland and Broome.

Project Management

Foundation Housing has delivered a range of development projects using its own staff in key contract and project management roles. Our highly skilled Property Acquisition and Development Team has proven commercial expertise and can provide this service to other organisations seeking to deliver housing projects.

Consultancy and Capacity Building

Foundation Housing staff regularly serve as consultants on projects for other organisations that may need enhanced capacity and expertise.

Previous projects include:

  • Feasibility studies and reports on potential development projects including stakeholder engagement and funding analysis
  • Organisational or departmental audits, making recommendations regarding improvements or efficiency measures
  • Asset management reviews of long-term liabilities, financial impact and overarching strategies
  • Housing strategies including needs analysis and allocations strategies