Making managing arrears easier

March 16, 2017

We’re currently looking for feedback on how we can improve the way we work with tenants who are in rent arrears to help them pay their rent debt.

Rents are our main source of income and they allow us to provide affordable housing to the many people who need our service, so it’s essential we collect all the rent owed to us by tenants.

We understand that there are sometimes circumstances that can cause our tenants to fall behind in rent.  We’d like to understand how we can make it easier for tenants to pay us their rent arrears and get their tenancy back on track.

We’re interested to hear what you think and invite you to fill out a short survey. You can choose to remain anonymous, however, if you would like to go into the draw to win a $100 Coles food voucher you will need to provide your name and contact number on the survey.

If you’d like to participate please email Julia at She will send you a survey to complete.