October 3, 2023
In a heartwarming tale of resilience, Jess, a dedicated mother, and her four-year-old daughter Molly, who battles the chronic health condition Cystic Fibrosis, have found a newfound sense of security and happiness through the Elevate affordable housing program by Foundation Housing.
Jess, who has spent the last seven years working as a Labour Manager in North Fremantle, faced an uphill battle in finding suitable accommodation for her family. Their search was complicated by the complexity of Molly’s health needs, requiring a mould-free, clean, safe, and conveniently located home close to the Perth Children’s Hospital.
Amid the challenges posed by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, their quest for affordable and suitable housing became increasingly daunting. Jess admits, “I hadn’t looked into affordable housing; I wasn’t aware such schemes existed.”
However, hope began to shine through when Jess and Molly’s lives took a dramatic turn for the better. Foundation Housing, a local community housing provider dedicated to providing affordable housing options, stepped in to offer their support.
Remarkably, within just four short weeks from the time of application, Jess and Molly were accepted and moved into their new home.
Since settling into their new apartment, the positive changes in Molly’s health have been nothing short of remarkable. The proximity to the Children’s Hospital has allowed many of Molly’s treatments to be administered at home, reducing the need for lengthy hospital stays. Jess can now focus on providing Molly with the love and care she needs, free from the overwhelming stress of uncertain housing.
Their new community has quickly become an integral part of their lives, with shared scooter rides to the nearby river, communal cooking sessions, and delightful Friday night film gatherings. Nearby coffee shops offer opportunities for strawberry milkshakes, and Molly has enjoyed having her cousins and friends over for playdates.
For the first time in five years, Jess and Molly feel secure and settled in their home, allowing them to truly enjoy life. Jess says, “We love our apartment as if it is our own. We feel safe and settled and also able to afford our rent.”
Their heartwarming journey serves as a testament to the power of affordable housing initiatives, and the resilience of a mother’s love. Jess and Molly’s story reminds us that, even in the face of adversity, a helping hand can make all the difference, transforming lives and fostering hope for a brighter future.