April 16, 2019
The upcoming Federal Election has prompted us to speak up about what we think needs to be done by government to improve housing affordability and supply in Australia.
We’ve gone on the record to say we think the recent Federal budget was a missed opportunity to address the affordable housing challenge because the research tells us that the social housing system will need to double by 2036 to meet the projected need, but there is no plan in place to achieve this.
We’ve also said that we would welcome a plan proposed by Federal Labor that would see the building of 250,000 new homes over a decade which would be owned or managed by community housing providers like Foundation Housing. The houses would be built under a scheme similar to the National Rental Affordability Scheme (NRAS) and eligibility criteria would apply.
This week, Senator Doug Cameron, the Federal Shadow Minister for Shadow Minister for Housing and Homelessness met with our CEO Kathleen Gregory and new Anglicare CEO Mark Glasson at Foyer Oxford. Senator Cameron was very impressed with our youth housing facility which is helping young people who were at risk of homelessness, to a build a positive future for themselves.
Remember that voting is compulsory. You have until 8pm on Thursday 17 April to make sure you’re on the electoral roll at your current address so that you can make your voice heard at the next election.