The future of not-for-profit boards looks bright

May 17, 2017

Foundation Housing is proud to once again support the Engaging Young Leaders on Aged Care and Community Boards program, with the twenty 2017 participants set to graduate this week.

The initiative seeks to develop young leaders and create opportunities for them to succeed on Boards of Governance in aged care and the community sector.

Foundation Housing’s CEO Kathleen Gregory says it’s a program they are pleased to support as it provides  opportunities for young leaders to contribute to and be a part of the future of the not for profit sector. During the program the participants get to observe Board meetings, participate in panel discussions and contribute to a project that becomes a resource – or toolkit –  for Boards in the not for profit sector.

This year Foundation Housing was featured as a case study in a toolkit that aims to support and empower not-for-profit boards to make innovation an explicit strategic priority. The toolkit covers a snapshot of  sector trends, enablers and barriers affecting innovation, and an innovation self-audit to allow Boards to measure their current strategy.

“The calibre of participants is always very impressive and bodes well for the future of the not for profit sector in WA.  We are delighted to be a part of  the initiative and wish this year’s graduates every success in their future contributing to the governance of organisations such as ours, which assist so many West Australians,” said Mrs Gregory.