
This information is related to mainstream tenancies only.

A visitor is a person who you have invited to stay at your property for a period of up to 4 weeks (or 28 days). Visitors generally include relatives, carers, children, or partners that have a permanent residency elsewhere.

Additional Occupants

  • You may want extra people (partner, carer for example) to come and live with you, either short term or long term.
  • An additional occupant is defined as any person who is staying at your property who was not a member of the household when you signed your tenancy agreement with us.
  • Please speak with your Housing Coordinator if you would like another person to reside at your property. They can provide information about the process to add a new occupant to the household.

Unauthorised Occupants

  • An unauthorised occupant is a person/s who stays at the property for longer than 4 weeks (28 days) and Foundation Housing has not been informed.
  • If you have unauthorised occupants at the property, you may be in breach of your tenancy by not telling us about everyone living there.