Contractor Safety Agreement

Requirement for Contractors

Before contracted works begin, all contractors must read and sign the following regarding their roles and responsibilities while on site. They are to also complete the Contractor Induction.

I, the contractor, aware of and will abide with the following:

Have provided all applicable licenses and insurances (e.g. workers’ compensation and public liability) are current and have been provided to the Company.

  • I and my contractors or employees hold satisfactory police clearances no older than three years.
  • I and my contractors or employees have completed the Foundation Housing Ltd Contractor Safety Induction.
  • I and my contractors or employees will contact Foundation Housing Ltd and Sign the in/out register (if available) held at the premises/site when they attend site.
  • All access arrangements are to be made with the relevant person.
  • The contractor is required to provide all personal protective equipment needed for their contracted work.
  • All contractors, their employees and subcontractors are to use their own equipment: e.g. ladders, power tools.
  • Work is to be completed in a safe manner in accordance with Foundation Housing Ltd Occupational Safety and Health Policies and Procedures and relevant legal requirements. The contractor will ensure themselves, employees and other contractors or others, including the public, are not exposed to hazards due to their activities on site.
  • At the end of the day or the contracted works, the contractor ensures the work area is made safe.
  • I and my contractors or employees understand that personal information provided by FHL is for safety reasons only and any other disclosure, where it is not on a “need to know” basis is in breach of the Privacy Act.
  • I and my contractors or employees have read the Contractor Induction material available on the Foundation Housing website.

Contractor Safety Agreement